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A catalina mkii sailboat sailing away in


Name: ​
Lake Ontario Catalina Association (LOCA)

The purpose of this association is to facilitate all Catalina owners to meet one another, exchange information and ideas, to reap the benefits of camaraderie, fun, education and purchasing opportunities.

Membership is open to any current or former owners of a Catalina Yacht(s)

The Executive Committee of LOCA shall be comprised of the following Directors: Commodore, Vice Commodore (Events), Vice Commodore (Membership and Communications), Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Past Commodore, Directors at Large (2 positions), Ex-Officio Members (Swans Yacht Sales).

Annual membership fees are to be set at the Annual General Meeting from time to time as recommended by the Executive.  These fees are to cover the general operating costs of the Association.  Where possible, each event or activity sponsored by the Association will be covered by fees changed and collected.

The Association will hold an Annual General Meeting of the membership once per year, usually in January in concert with the Toronto International Boat Show.  Should there be due cause, an extraordinary Annual General Meeting can be convened by the Executive by providing two (2) weeks advance notice to the general membership of the time and location of the meeting.

Executive Meetings will be held at a minimum of three (3) times per year.  Executive Meetings can be called at any time by the Commodore or a representative of the Commodore.  A quorum (defined as two thirds (2/3) or 66%) must be present to qualify as a meeting to further the business of the Association.

Elections will be made on an annual basis.  Elections are to take place at the annual meeting of the association membership.  Those interested in holding positions in the office will then have to demonstrate interest in that position by putting your name forth to the executive for the position that you would like to hold.  The members in full standing will then vote.

Number of Terms in an Executive Position:
Members elected to the Executive are for a one (1) year term commencing on the date of election at the Annual General Meeting and terminating on the immediate next Annual General Meeting.

A member elected to the Executive is limited to two (2) consecutive terms in they elected role.  In exceptional circumstances, where there is no qualified member willing to stand for election or hardship to the Association could occur (IE Treasurer), and a member of the Executive has exhausted their two (2) term limit, the Executive Committee can extend their consecutive term by one (1) additional year as decided by a majority vote of the LOCA Executive to allow the Executive member to stand for re-election.

​Revising the Constitution:
Revisions requested by the membership are to be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee no later than one month prior to the annual meeting.  The request will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and the required recommendations will be put forward by the Executive Committee at the annual general meeting.

Last Revised:  January 14, 2012

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